IWADV Meetings
March | 17 | St. Patrick's Day Parade, (Red Stag Pub to follow) Bethlehem PA contact: Mike Muffley mikemuffley@aim.com |
March |
30-31 |
March | TBD | Heart of Ohio Irish Wolfhound Assoc. |
April | 20 | Irish Wolfhound Assoc of the Carolinas Specialty Show, Fayetteville, NC |
May |
10 |
Puppy Match & Meeting at home of Shari Irick SLAM308@comcast.net |
May | 25-29 | IWCA National. Logan, Utah |
June | 8 | Irish Wolfhound Assoc. of New England, EAst Windsor, CT |
June | 21 | Meet the Breeds |
June | 28 | Berks Celtic Festival & General Club Meeting, Contact TBA |
Sept | 6 | Annual Picnic & Meeting at Green Lane Park contacts: Mike Muffley & Alissa Muffley mikemuffley@aim.com / argrell@hotmail.com |
Oct | 4,5,6 | IWADV Specialty Show. - Meeting 10/5 after judging. Contact Doug Marx aeriedogs@aol.com |
Nov | TBD | Meeting / Officers nominations from the floor. |
Dec | 6 tentative | Holiday Party and Annual Meeting |